
“Libraries are about freedom. Freedom to read, freedom of ideas, freedom of communication.” -Neil Gaiman

Our library is a place of learning that is dynamic, comfortable, and supportive. The main goal is to support staff and students in the learning process by providing the most up-to-date, relevant, and inspiring resources possible. Building this in conjunction with student and staff input is essential.

Visit the library

Our library is a safe and inclusive space for all students and staff. We support a variety of quality activities in our unique and dynamic space. To ensure that this happens, all are expected to work in ways that contribute to an environment that enhances productivity. If you are unable to support this, you may be asked to leave and will be welcome to join us again at another time.

Class visits to the library are booked by your teacher who will likely want you to sit in a designated area so they can speak with your group as needed throughout the period. Please remember that the library is a place of learning and learning zone guidelines still apply during your class visit.

Our library is a great destination for students on spare! Whether you are looking to relax and decompress on one of the comfy chairs, or you need to get some serious work done to meet an upcoming due date, we have you covered.

Senior students are reminded that they set the example for younger students and therefore, they will be held to that high standard. Please sit away from visiting classes and select a learning zone that suits the purpose of your visit. Make effective use of your time on spare and enjoy your visit to the library, and kindly remember that the library is a place of learning.

Students are welcome in the library at lunch as long as supervision is available. Patrons will be allowed to bring food and drink into the Library – this is a trial situation and is a policy that will be closely monitored. The success of this new privilege hinges on students’ ability to eat and drink responsibly within our space. This includes cleaning up on each visit and of course properly disposing of garbage. If students demonstrate maturity and self-discipline, this ‘lunch in the library’ privilege will continue. If you have an accidental spill, please let us know so we can make sure it is cleaned up properly.

While the library atmosphere relaxes a bit at lunchtime, the re zone areas are still available for student use. Please be respectful of those working in a focused and quiet way during lunch.

Learning zones

Sitting in a red zone means you are looking forward to working in a silent space so you can focus on getting work completed and or studying. The librarians will ask your chatty friends or other students nearby to be respectful of that.

Yellow zones are located everywhere else in the Library. Quiet conversation and collaboration are welcome in these areas – the people next to you should be able to hear you, but others around the library spaces should not.

Because the library is a place for learning and being chill, if you want a less monitored space for interactions with your friends, you are looking for another space, like the cafe or outside.


TLDSB subscribes to a few online research periodicals or search engines that can assist you when conducting social science, history, and English research, particularly for essay and report writing. These are mostly secondary sources that have been fact checked or vetted.

  • The CRAAP test – helps you decide how good your source is.
  • Gale – complete source for peer reviewed scholarly articles across all academic disciplines.
  • Explore a broad range of Canadian topics, people, places, and events through topic overviews, news, and multimedia content.
  • JSTOR – an online academic digital library with access to millions of academic journal articles, books and images.
  • Stats Canada – the national statistical office. The agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada’s economy, society and environment that they need to function effectively as citizens and decision makers. Anyone can use this source.
  • McLeans Magazine Archive – Full access to past issues of Canada’s magazine covering a broad range of topics from science, social issues, politics, and history.

Essay writing format and style guides

Most secondary school students and all university or college students need to know how to avoid plagiarism and academic dishonesty by properly formatting and citing their references for any research essay, novel study, or social science research report.

  • These Purdue University – OWL resources will help you sort out how to conduct and cite your research. This includes material on quoting and paraphrasing your research sources, as well as material on how to avoid plagiarism. OWL offers comprehensive, step-by-step instructions, samples and how to videos for APA, Chicago and MLA styles of formatting. They also have lots of tips on researching papers and writing them.
  • Scribrr citation generator is a reliable one which will provide up-to-date suggestions to assist you.
  • APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to set up, format, and reference cite sources for social sciences (i.e. Law, Sociology, Psychology). The APA is currently using the 7th edition of the manual.
  • The Chicago Manual of Style – Find it. Write it. Cite it. The current 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format.
  • MLA style is a set of standards for writing and documentation used by writers to find and evaluate information, alert their audience to the trustworthiness of their findings through citation, and shape the expression of their ideas in conversation with others. This 9th edition is your other source for the format for a Works Cited page. This style is usually used in English and literature classes.

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School calendar

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School Schedule
Period 1
8:10 – 9:25 a.m.
9:25 – 9:35 a.m.
Period 2
9:35 – 10:50 a.m.
10:50 – 11:45 a.m.
Period 3
11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m.
1 – 1:10 p.m.
Period 4
1:10 – 2:25 p.m.
Final bell
2:25 p.m.
Bus departure
First wave: 2:34 p.m. Second wave: 2:38 p.m.

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